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Ceremony Open Days St John's House, Warwick and The Bloxam Room, Rugby - Sunday 6th April between 11.00am and 2.00pm

Legal ceremonies abroad

We can only issue Certificates of No Impediment for British nationals.

You should clarify the legal preliminaries with the authorities in the relevant country, though you may find some information on - Getting married abroad.

If you require a Certificate of No Impediment you will need to give notice at a registration office in the district where you live. The notice is displayed for 28 clear days before your certificate is issued, please keep this in mind when booking your ceremony abroad.

All Certificates are venue specific, and you will need to provide the exact place of the ceremony that is to be recorded, as specified by the foreign authorities. Whilst there is no expiry date, some countries do not accept Certificates that are dated more than three months before the ceremony. 

There is no facility or requirement in England and Wales to register a legal marriage or civil partnership that has taken place abroad.


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