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Ceremony Open Days The Heritage Room, Nuneaton Sunday 16th March 2025 between 11.00am and 2.00pm. St John's House, Warwick and The Bloxam Room, Rugby Sunday 6th April between 11.00am and 2.00pm

Required documents

To give notice you will need to be aged 18 or over and be able to provide:

Evidence of Name, Surname, Date of Birth and Nationality 

For British, Irish or EEA nationals with Settled Status (EU Settlement Scheme) granted or applied for before 1 July 2021, you need to bring ONE of the following:

Valid passport; or

  • Citizenship certificate confirming British Citizenship; or
  • British birth certificates
    • If you were born prior to 1 January 1983 we will need to see either your full or short birth certificate.
    • If you were born on or after 1 January 1983 we will need to see your full birth certificate, which includes your parents' details, PLUS either your mother or father's British birth certificate if your parents were married when you were born. If your parents were unmarried when you were born then only your mother's birth certificate can be accepted. If your parents were born outside the UK, then you must provide evidence of British nationality at the time of your birth.
    • If your parents were born on or after 1 January 1983 we will also need to see evidence of their parent's nationality. As this can be quite complex please contact us on 0300 555 0255 if further clarification is required
    • EEA Nationals only – you must bring a share code from to prove your Settled Status

For non-EEA or EEA nationals without Settled Status (EU Settlement Scheme), you need to bring:

  • A colour, passport size / style photograph for each person
    and ONE of the following:
  • Valid Passport; or
  • Valid British Travel Document; or
  • Biometric Residence Card or Permit

Evidence of any name changes – if applicable

You will need to bring your change of name deed poll or statutory declaration, together with your previous marriage or civil partnership certificate(s)

Evidence of Place of Residence

Please bring ONE of the following:

  • Utility bill dated within 3 months
  • Bank or building society statement dated within 1 month
  • Council tax bill for the current year
  • Mortgage statement from the current year
  • Residential tenancy agreement from the current year; or
  • Valid UK driving licence
  • Letter from the owner or proprietor (PDF, 82 KB)

Evidence of ending of a previous marriage or civil partnership

You cannot give notice if your divorce / dissolution is still in progress.
You must bring the appropriate original document(s)

  • An original paper version Divorce / Dissolution issued by a court in England or Wales
  • An electronic Divorce / Dissolution granted in England or Wales with the covering email
  • For a Divorce / Dissolution granted outside England and Wales, we will need to see the final Divorce / Dissolution document(s) issued and a full translation into English if the document is in any other language
  • A fee is chargeable for clearance of foreign Divorces / Dissolutions
  • If documents need to be referred to the General Register Office there is an additional fee and there is no period for approval, please take this into account when choosing your ceremony date as there could be a significant delay
  • The death certificate of the former spouse/civil partner – if the surviving partner is not mentioned on the death certificate you must provide a certified copy certificate of the marriage or civil partnership.

If any of your documents are in any language other than English

You will need to bring the original document plus a full translation, into English. These documents must be certified at the bottom by the translator stating, “I certify this to be a true translation of the document.” The name, address, telephone number and signature of the person who translated the document(s) must be included.

If you and/or your partner do not speak and understand English

You will need to bring a translator to your appointment and ceremony. A translator can be a family member or friend, but you cannot interpret for each other.

Your appointment will be abandoned if you and the registrar are not able to understand one another. You will have to rebook and pay the fee again.

Home Office guidance for couples subject to immigration controls

Registrars are required to refer all marriage and civil partnership notices to the Home Office if one or both of the parties are EEA nationals without settled status granted or applied for before 1 July 2021; or one or both of the parties are non-EEA nationals who do not provide specified evidence that they have (a) settled status in the UK (Indefinite Leave to Enter or Remain), (b) an EU law right of permanent residence in the UK, (c) a marriage or civil partnership visa, or (d) exemption from immigration control (e.g. with the right of abode in the UK).

The Home Office may decide to extend the 28 clear day notice period to 70 days for further investigation. The Home Office will inform both parties, in writing, if this is the case.

If you do not comply with the investigation, you will be unable to marry or form a civil partnership with the notice(s) you have given.

If any of the above documents are not available, please contact the General Register Office on 0300 123 1837 for guidance

Book your notice appointment

Book your notice appointment

Legal notice explained

Legal notices explained


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