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Legal notice explained

Who needs to give legal notice? 

Couples that wish to have a marriage or civil partnership at a licensed venue or registration office in England and Wales are required to give legal notice. A ceremony should also be booked with the venue or registration office before a notice appointment is made. 
For marriage ceremonies in the Church of England or a Church in Wales legal notice is not required, unless either party is a non-EEA national. 
All advice should be sought from the relevant parish office. 
For marriage ceremonies in other Religious Buildings, after arranging a ceremony with the officiant (and Registration office if the building does not have an authorised person), you must give legal notice. 

What is legal notice?

A notice of marriage or civil partnership is a legal declaration given in person by each of you, usually at the registration office in the district where each person lives. It is venue specific and valid for 12 months from the date it is given.  
Notices are publicly displayed for 28 days before a marriage or civil partnership schedule can be issued, this may be extended to 70 days, by the Home Office, for couples subject to immigration control. 

A marriage or civil partnership cannot take place if the legal preliminaries are not completed in sufficient time. 
If you are British, Irish or an EEA citizen with EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) status granted or applied for before 1 July 2021 you: 

  • must each give your notice at a registration office in the district where you have lived for the 9 days prior to the appointment; and 
  • if you both live in Warwickshire, you can choose to attend together or book separate appointments 

If one or both of you are a non-EEA national or an EEA citizen without EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) status: 

  • one of you must have lived in Warwickshire for the 9 days prior to attending the appointment; and 
  • you must attend an appointment together 

Legal Notice Charges

Fees are payable at the time of booking your appointment and may not be refunded if you fail to attend or you do not present the required documents



Book your notice appointment

Book your notice appointment

Required documents

Required documents


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